We Have Many Vintage Molds ! And Pour to Order!
Christmas Tree Box
Christmas Tree on Barrel
Christmas Tree with Moon and Stars
Christmas Tree, Atlantic #64, Grandmother, 16"
Christmas Tree, Atlantic #64, Grandmother, 18 1/2" with 1 Ring
Christmas Tree, Atlantic #64, Grandmother, 21 1/2", with 2 Rings
Christmas Tree, Atlantic Slim, 24 1/2"
Christmas Tree, Bryon, Slim, 13"
Christmas Tree, Button
Christmas Tree, Pottery Small 8"
Gingerbread Tree
Gnome, Lady Tannenbaum Small
Santa Claus Moon
Santa Pearl
Santa with Quilt
Santa, Buttons
Santa, Cowboy
Santa, Father Time
Santa, Kentucky
Santa, Ladybug
Santa, Mr. & Mrs. Fanny Warmers, Small, Set of 5 pieces
Santa, Noah’s Ark.
Santa, Racing
Santa, Seashore